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March 11, 2017  Shabbat Zachor-Parshat Tetzaveh  13 Adar 5777

Wishing everyone a joyous Purim!

Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to our dear members, Allan and Bee Rebhun, on the birth of a baby boy born to their grandchildren, Pamela & Nachi Strenger, this past week. Mazal Tov to big brother Steven, big sister Samantha, to grandmother Karen Berkowitz and to the entire family!

We regret to inform you of the passing of Mr. Harold Schachter, a"h, beloved father of Avi Schachter. Shiva will be observed at 584 Prescott Place in North Woodmere from Sunday night until Wednesday morning. Shacharit will be held Monday through Wednesday at 7:00am and Mincha/Maariv on Monday and Tuesday will be at 6:45pm.

Don’t Forget to Remember
Every adult has a biblical obligation to hear Parshat Zachor. A second reading will take place 2 minutes after shul is over, in the sanctuary, no earlier than 11:15am, and a third reading will take place immediately after mincha.

Seudah Shlishit – Purim Style
This week’s kid-friendly costume seudah shlishit is sponsored by Dina and Elazar Jusopov in loving memory of Dina’s aunt, Lenna Mirzakendov, Leah bat Shirah, a"h.

Joining the Older Crowd
Our soon to be 40+ Rabbi and Rebbetzen are hosting a 40+ chaburah this coming Shabbat, Parshat Tetzaveh, March 11th. All families with a 40+ member among them are welcome. We promise, nobody will be carded. The topic of the chaburah will be: Purim, Costumes, and Growing Up/Dressing Up. Looking forward to seeing everyone there!

Downstairs Megillah Reading
A special Megillah Reading for women and young children, will take place in the multi-purpose room at 6:40pm Saturday night. The Rabbi reminds us that women are equally obligated to hear the entire Megillah. This reading will provide women the opportunity to fulfill their obligation in a child friendly environment.

Mitzvot of Purim
Mishloach Manot should be picked up in the shul office immediately following Megillah Reading this Motzei Shabbat. Please make sure that payments are made before this Shabbat. Our thanks to Fern Seinuk, Lorraine Grun and the Sisterhood for their heroic efforts every year in fulfilling this mitzvah.

Matanot L'Evyonim can be given through the shul website. A portion of Matanot L'Evyonim will go to local poor people and the remainder will be distributed by Rabbi Pizem to poor people living in Sderot. Please go to to find the Purim Primer with halakhic information about Mishloach Manot, Matanot L'Evyonim, and our special Shabbat Kids Costume Seudah Shlishit next Shabbat.

Come Party, Get Swabbed, Save a Life
On Motzei Shabbat, March 11th, at 9:30pm, the YINW will be hosting a Purim Costume party for those 21 and older ONLY. Come on down for the sushi bar, top shelf liquor, costume contest prizes and more. UrbanPops will be featured as well. In addition, we are very excited to announce that we are partnering with Gift of Life this Purim! Gift of Life is a non-profit organization which works to find viable donors for blood cancer patients in urgent need of bone
marrow and/or stem cell transplants. It involves nothing more invasive than a simple cheek swab, and only takes a few seconds per person! For more information, go to Thank you to the following sponsors:

Gold ($100 Sponsor)
Jordan & Tari Brodsky
Shawn & Gila Fischman
Steven & Melinda Hilsenrath
Jonah & Debra Rosenberg
Dani & Stephanie Scharf

Silver ($54 Sponsor)
Gavriel & Chana Glass
Rabbi & Lisa Septimus
Scott & Rochelle Taub
Daniel & Elana Torczyner


Thank you to the Gutman, Herskovich,
Pavel and Torczyner families for
sponsoring prizes and supplies, to
Yitzy Horowitz for designing the flyers
and to Dovy Frankel, Jonah Rosenberg,
Stephanie Scharf, Lisa Septimus and
Judy Gutman for organizing this event!

Clocking In
Don’t forget to spring forward this Saturday night and that we are now having daily Mincha/Maariv through the fall.

Ponder This
Purim Imponderable 1:
If Mordechai and Haman did not have parchment and therefore they had to write the bill of sale regarding Haman becoming Mordechai’s slave on Mordechai's shoe, then why were they carrying ink with them?

Purim imponderable 2:
If Haman was Mordechai’s slave and worked in Mordechai's house then how did he not recognize Esther? Was Esther not, at the very least Mordechai’s daughter and at the most his wife and the woman of the house?

Rabbi and Rebbetzin Knoll invite the entire youth of YINW to stop by their home, 1046 Highland Place in Woodmere from 11:00am-12:30pm on Purim during their shaloch manot runs for nosh, songs and more. Bring an answer to the imponderables and get a special treat!

Pre-Purim Shiur
In addition to our pre-Purim festivities this Shabbat, Rabbi Septimus will be giving a special shiur as part of Rav Jeff Miller's Masechet Berachot Chaburah. The shiur will be on the subject, Maybe It's NOT the Thought That Counts: Devarim Shebelev Einam Devarim. The shiur and the chaburah will take place at 4:45pm at the shul, before 5:30pm mincha and is open to men and women. See you there!

Learn About Purim, Pesach and Everything in Between
The North Woodmere community welcomes Rabbi Yisroel Hirsch, who is presenting a 3-part lecture series on Purim, Pesach and related topics. Rabbi Hirsch will next be speaking on Thursday, March 16th at KBH and then again on Thursday, March 23rd at YINW. Both lectures will begin at 9:15pm. Please make every effort to attend.

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Sat, May 18 2024 10 Iyyar 5784