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March 18, 2017   Shabbat Parah – Parshat Ki Tisa    20 Adar 5777

Think you can relax now that all the Purim festivities have passed? Think again. Pesach is around the corner. Stay tuned for all the upcoming events to help you get prepared.

Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to our dear members, Isaac and Ofra Levin on the birth of a baby boy born to their children, Dr. Shelley and Daniel Rubin. Mazal Tov to big brother Jordan, to Aunt Meeka and Uncle David, to Aunt Natalie and to the entire family!

Mazal Tov to Jeni and Sam Daniel on the birth of twin baby boys! Mazal Tov to big brother Gavi, to grandparents, Thomas and Judith Szenes and Joseph and Bracha Daniel, and to the entire family! Shalom Zachor is at Ohr Torah this Friday Night at 9:00pm.

We regret to inform you of the passing of Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Sprecher, a"h, beloved father of Uri Sprecher and Miree Segal. Shiva will be observed at 1274 East 23rd Street, Brooklyn (between Avenues L and M) until Wednesday morning, March 22nd. Shacharit will be held at 7:30am and Mincha/Maariv will take place 10 minutes before shkiah.

Shabbat Kiddush and Seudah Shlishit 
Both Kiddushim sponsored by the Kiddush Boosters. It’s never too late to join! Seudah Shlishit is sponsored this week by the Hilsenrath family and Melinda's aunt, Frances Miller, in commemoration of the 30th Yartzeit of Melinda's uncle, Irving Miller, Yisroel Pesach ben Yahoshua Shia, a"h.

March Meshuggas Update
After the first day of the majority of the American workforce being unproductive watching college basketball, we have our own president, Steve Hilsenrath in the early lead of the Fifth Annual YINW March Meshuggas Bracket Tournament Challenge with Mordechai Gampel and Jordan Hiller rounding out the top three. Of course, things can change extremely quickly over the first weekend. Many thanks to Shapsie Markus once again for arranging this YINW event.

On Cloud Nine
We are excited to announce the launch of ShulCloud as YINW's web based tool. ShulCloud will allow members to check account balances, review recent activity and update personal information. In addition, members will also be able to make individual or recurring payments.

If you haven't received the email instructions or having issues logging in, please contact David Bach at or Yitzy Horowitz at

YINW Mishloach Manot Update and Thank Yous
We thank all those who participated in this year’s Sisterhood Mishloach Manot. This includes the Ackerman family who participated, but were accidentally deleted from the final list - unless Shapsie was involved, in which case we would suspect foul play. If you have not yet picked up your Mishloach Manot from the shul office, please arrange to do so. On behalf of the entire shul, we would like to thank Fern Seinuk and the Sisterhood Mishloach Manot team. Thank you to Dovy Frankel, Judy Gutman, Jonah Rosenberg, Stephanie Scharf and Lisa Septimus for organizing the highly successful Adult Purim Party!

What Could It Be?
Make sure to be in shul this Shabbat as Fred Wilkoski will be giving a very special announcement.

Clean Up Time
The shul will be cleaned on March 30th for Pesach. Please refrain from bringing chametz into the sanctuary area thereafter until after Pesach.

Yeshiva Transportation Sign-up
Make sure to sign up for bussing by the April 1st deadline. Renewals and change of schools should be made online at New student registrants must file in person at Lawrence Middle School, 195 Broadway, by April 1, 2017, and are advised to call the office at 516.295.7065 for filing information.

Is There a Picasso in our Midst?
Next Sunday, March 26th from 9:30am to 11:00am, there will be an Arts & Crafts session for all YINW youth. Stay tuned for more details in the WhatsApp Youth Group Chat.

Learn About Purim, Pesach and Everything in Between
The North Woodmere community welcomes Rabbi Yisroel Hirsch, who is presenting a 3-part lecture series on Purim, Pesach and related topics. Rabbi Hirsch will be speaking on Thursday, March 23rd at YINW. The lecture will begin at 9:15pm. Please make every effort to attend.

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Sat, May 18 2024 10 Iyyar 5784