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April 1, 2017                     Parshat Vayikra                   5 Nisan 5777

Selling Your Chametz and Giving Maot Chittin
Rabbi Septimus will be available to be made your agent to sell chametz this coming Monday and Tuesday following the early Shacharit Minyan, as well as Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday following the Mincha/Ma'ariv minyan. You are able to meet with Rabbi Septimus at his home, 718 Sherwood Street, at the following dates/times:

Sunday, April 2nd, 9:00-10:30am
Monday, April 3rd, 8:30-10:00pm
Sunday, April 9th, 10:00-11:30am
Sunday, April 9th, 8:30-10:00pm

Completed forms can also be emailed to the rabbi or dropped off in his mailbox; however, you must receive direct confirmation of receipt from Rabbi Septimus.

Maot Chittin can also be given to Rabbi Septimus, but unlike Matanot L'Evyonim of Purim, Maot Chittin is best when distributed to the poor well in advance of Pesach. Donations can be via check to the shul or online (mark payment Maot Chittin or Pesach Poor) and will be distributed to people in need locally as well as to poor people in Sderot.

Kol Dichfin—A Seder for All
Anyone in need of a seder for either of the first two nights of Pesach is encouraged to email our Rebbetzen, Lisa Septimus, at

Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to our dear member, Steven Kratka, upon his engagement to Liz Ehrenhaus. Mazal Tov to Steven’s children, Josh and Evan, and to their entire families!

With profound sorrow, we record the passing of North Woodmere Resident, Chani Nussbaum, a"h, beloved wife of Guy Nussbaum, and mother of Judah Nussbaum.

Seudah Shlishit
Seudah Shlishit is sponsored this week by the Hilsenrath and Rechenberg families in commemoration of the completion of the shloshim for Steven’s sister, Yenta Etal bas Menachem Mendal, a"h. Men, women and children are all invited.

Warm Welcomes
YINW would like to welcome Nathan Cohen, who recently into the community and joined the shul, along with his children, Avromi, Ahuva and Shmuli.

You Deserve a Break
Join your friends, shul and community for a stress-free, catered meal the Shabbat before Pesach. Besides the convenience, this is going to be a good time! Cost for members is $25 per adult and $10 per for child (ages 4-13). For non-members, the cost is $30 per adult and $15 per child. Space is limited so reserve your spot today at

Please also make a note that YINW will be hosting a kiddush after the 9:00am minyan at which there will be bread available for washing. As such, the shul is helping you keep your home chometz-free.

Markus…Hiller…Need We Say More?
The Annual YINW Dinner will take place on May25th at the Sephardic Temple. By now, you should have already received ad blanks, which are also available on the shul website, Invitations will be sent before Pesach. Please join us in honoring Guests of Honor, Gitty and Shapsie Markus and Amy and Jordan Hiller.

Sisterhoods Unite
This Shabbat afternoon, April 1st, at 4:45pm, at the home of Rachel Portal, 659 Park Lane in North Woodmere, the YINW and BKNW Sisterhoods proudly present a women's shiur by our own Lisa Septimus. Lisa will speak on the topic of B'shaah Tova: Fertility and Infertility in Tanach to help raise community awareness of people struggling with infertility.

March Meshuggas Update
It appears as if our president, Steve Hilsenrath, is primed to win the Fifth Annual YINW March Meshuggas Bracket Tournament Challenge with Zvi and Judy Gutman and Jordan Hiller rounding out the top three. We'll know our winner after Monday night’s title game. Many thanks to Shapsie Markus once again for arranging this YINW event.

5T5K - 04.30.17
Isaac Seinuk is once again putting on the spectacle that is the 5T5K. This race, run, walk for Isaac's charity, Beit HaLochem is one of the coolest sports-related events in the Five Towns and a major plug for our shul and North Woodmere. Kudos to Isaac for working on this yearround and for caring so much about his charity.

For All Our Future Dead Heads
This Friday afternoon there will be a free tie-dye class in the shul from 2:30 to 3:30pm. Kids and adults will shown how to make colorful and dynamic tie-dye designs on their shirts.

Please make sure to bring a white t-shirt to tie-dye. Participants will be able to take home their newly tie-dyed shirts after the class. Children and parents of all ages are welcome, but those under the age of 5 must be accompanied by a parent.

Movie and a Slice
Cleaned your kitchen for Pesach? Have hungry kids who still need to eat? What to do? YINW Youth has the answer! This Wednesday night, April 5th at 5:15pm. we are having a pizza and movie night. Please RSVP to Cost is free for booster families, $3 for members and $5 for non-members.

Never Forget
The annual Five Towns Community Yom Hashoah commemoration will take place on Sunday, April 23th at 7:00pm at Beth Sholom in Lawrence. Please join the entire extended community as we remember the six million martyrs.

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Sat, May 18 2024 10 Iyyar 5784